Friday 20 July 2012

the information kinda just came here and if you're not following the news but somehow reading this, i would just like to inform you about the shooting in denver, colorado.

so first of all, people were going to see the newest Batman movie "the dark knight rises" in cinemas. the age limit was 13 but there were almost 6 year old kids and the youngest was like 3 months old.
the movie started and basically people were sitting there not knowing something horrific would happen.
then a 27 year old man, wearing a gas mask and holding a gun walked in front of the screen, and just opened the fire. first people thought it was all special effects and there was no harm, but then when he started shooting people were screaming, running around and some of them were injured. this fucking bitch, James Holmes started walking up the stairs and just "shooting random people, picking them from the crowd". 17 died and over 50 are in the hospital.
^^ there's the whole story.

this is what happens when you give a gun to a monkey.
not hating on monkeys. x

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