Friday 20 July 2012

well hello again my little unicorns.

one bitch at twitter asked me 5 things i'm afraid of the most and wondered could i share it here in my blog. well i said yes though i have no idea why she wanted me to do this. now i don't have like a phobia about any of these but i just wanted to light up your lightbulb and open you the doors of phobias. so you welcome. :)

*she might take the opportunity to torture me with my fears but i'm pretty sure she wont so here we go.*

1. Sharks. (selachophobia)
these giant monsters under the sea always give me goosies. when i was 9 me and my family went to a zoo in spain and visited an aquarium with almost eight sharks with their giant teeth and scary ass eyes. yes i wanted to leave but mom kept me there. why? idk man.
wanted to see me crying my fucking eyes off? maybe.

2. Guns (hoplophobia)
i still have these nightmares where a guy dressed as a clown enters a room with a huge ass fucking machine gun and starts slaughtering people. yet i still would want to go to shooting like targets but it's like not-under-21-or-sum-shit.

3. ...Spoons (spoonaphobia?)
now okay BEFORE YOU START FUCKING WITH ME i just want to say i didn't even know about liam payne before i was afraid of spoons okay? i can eat with a spoon if i'm eating like an yoghurt but if i can decide between eating my soup with a spoon or a fork i'd go with the fork. my mom never fed me with a spoon, it was always a spork.
FORK + SPOON = SPORK. there's the grammar lesson of the day.

4. Snakes. (ophidiophobia)
a snake bit me when i was like 11. nothing happened but i was scared as hell and i was screaming, running around like i was crazy.
then i watched the HP n the deathly hallows part 1 and there was nagini. that bitch.

5. Pain. (agliophobia)
now i would say this WAS a phobia for me. (see how i wanted you to notice the word "was"?)
the first few times i had to like take my blood sugar (yo guise i have diabetes) and like put on my canule it was horrible for me. it took me about 2 hours to do something that now takes me about 2 minutes. so yeah.

i guess that's it. i'm gunna post some shit today but now i have to go and take a wee. i love you guys and i'm happy you're reading this :) xx lot's of love and sumting xx

"the matter of life is 27."

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